“In the name of God I AM THAT I AM and in the name of that Christ Presence of myself and of anyone else making this prayer with us we agree together in the name of Jesus Christ that the Will of God be made manifest for:
- The absolute truth to be revealed fully and wholly to the American people and the world about the Kennedy Assassination and those who participated and covered up the truth of what really occurred especially through the undeniable truth presented in works such as the forensic evidence of the head wounds analyzed in “The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis” by David Mantik M.D. Ph.D, and Jerome Corsi Ph.D as well as other works proving there was a government conspiracy.
- For the All-Seeing Eye of God to reveal all works that expose the fact that the JFK assassination was a coup d’état and coverup by the government of the United States for six decades, to the American people and the world especially the following books:
- “The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis”
- “Who Really Killed Kennedy?”
- The immediate and swift ending of all continued false narratives and continued attempts to keep the truth hidden from the public and otherwise mislead the public to continue to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was a “sole” assassin, acting on his own without the involvement of others.
- The absolute God-protection of the truth seekers and whistle blowers, along with their families, who are exposing the illegal acts and coverups by government, government agencies, public officials and the media including but not limited to:
- Dr. Jerome Corsi, author of the book “Who Really Killed Kennedy?” and co-author of the book “The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis”
- Dr. David Mantik, co-author of the book “The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis” and other writings.
- Douglas P. Horne, former chief analyst for military records with the Assassination Records Review Board.
- Dr. Michael Chesser, the neurologist who reviewed and confirmed Dr. Mantik’s findings.
- The cessation of all United States government agencies attempts and plans to perform numerous similar crimes; including other assassinations, the overthrow of foreign governments, the events of 911 and the take over of the American government itself.
- The absolute revelation that the main stream media has and continues to spread false stories and propaganda to continue the “lone shooter myth” and other hoaxes
- The holding responsible and bringing to justice the dark forces behind these manifestations
- The ending of the placement of the evil doers and their tools and minions in leadership or other positions in all spheres of human endeavor (government, education, media, religion, sports, entertainment, etc.), and to expose their improper and illegal activities
- The replacement of the evil doers with fair and objective people who have been properly prepared by God to take their places in all of the institutions.
- The exposure of WHY the truth of these events have been hidden from the American public and to uncover the motives and intents of the real actions.
- The continued exposure of the truth of the involvement and the bringing to justice where possible, those individuals and groups that have been linked to the Kennedy assassination who have have committed crimes against humanity, as well as those covering up these crimes including but not limited to:
- The Central Intelligence agency
- The Federal Bureau of Investigation
- The Dallas police department
- The Original Warren Commission, their fabrications and those responsible for its creation and staffing
- The mainstream media outlets
- The exposure of the true record of the actions of individuals such as Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Arlen Specter, Alan Dulles, and all others tied directly and indirectly to these events
- The arresting of the negative energies built upon the lies and coverups of these events that have been created since this event happened.
- The arresting of the negative spirals and the collapsing of the negative manifestations, plots and structures that have been wrongly created, using the lies of the false narrative of the assassination of John F. Kennedy as a basis for the implementation of more coverups, nefarious acts and deeds – that the poisonous tree and the the subsequent fruits built upon the lies of the events of this act, collapse for all of America and the world to see.
- The righting of all wrongs created by this event and the subsequent actions by those responsible as well as the undoing of all current structures and manifestations that manifest to this day.
And we ask that no light be given unlawfully unauthorized to any part of life where there is not the commitment unto the souls salvation unto the worship of her God. We also agree together for the absolute God protection from the back lash from the forces of darkness by this prayer and the subsequent release of Light into these situations. We also ask for the everyone to align themselves with the true teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. We ask for the cloak of invincibility, invulnerability, and invisibility and protection to be upon us, our loved ones and those to whom we are spiritually tied in as far as the forces of darkness are concerned. Let this prayer be adjusted according to God’s Holy Will. Never the less, not our wills but thine be done. AMEN.”